
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Healthy and Nutritious Dessert

My Not-So-Consistent Relationship With Fruit

I usually really like fruit, if it is prepared FOR ME! When I buy fruit at the grocery, I typically go for bananas because they're easy and I can be lazy. You grab it and go. Peel it and eat. Throw away the peel. Bonus points if you compost.

I know I should eat more fruit. Yes, they are high in carbohydrates and sugars, but they come FROM THIS EARTH and are put here FOR US TO CONSUME! They are loaded with vitamins, stimulate the memory, filled with fiber (which helps prevent cardiac disease), and help speed things along DIGESTIVELY...(feel free to rid yourself of the visual)

I thought if I prepared fruit in advance, I would be more likely to grab my tupperware and go. Hence the post. This very easy dish (if you can even call it that!) makes a great breakfast, snack, or dessert. I just added some raw organic agave nectar on top to give it a little extra sweet flavor.

1 grapefruit
2 oranges
1 mango
(all organic. rinse off in sink. peel and slice.)

drizzle organic agave on top of fruit. this is a wonderful, LOW GLYCEMIC INDEX (hello sweet boyfriend with type 1 diabetes, WHO LOVES YA?!),  natural, sweetener. nectar is made from the plant known in mexico as 'aguamiel,' or 'honey water.' it's sweet and good for you.

Bon appetit!

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