
Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Do You Eat For Sustenance?
Do You Eat While Doing Other Things And Not Even Realize You're Eating?
Do You Eat For Pleasure?
Do You Think About What You Eat?

I know people who eat only organic.
I know some people who always buy local.
I know people who eat only farm-raised animals with no antibiotics.

But then, the majority of people I know buy easy-to-make groceries (Kraft macaroni, instant scalloped potatoes from a box, ground up beef for Hamburger helper, frozen foods, etc.).

These are people who don't know the difference/advantages/disadvantages of any of the aforementioned subtypes, and just eat the foods they are used to eating with zero thought whatsoever. 

Cereal for breakfast. 
Lean Cuisine for lunch. 
Pizza for dinner. 
Check, check, check.

The thing is, most people DON'T THINK ABOUT IT because we're never told to. But what people don't realize, is THIS IS SOMETHING THAT INVOLVES EVERY SINGLE PERSON. We all eat, hopefully more than once a day, and our government is supposed to give us the reassurance that FOOD being sold in this country is SAFE. The problem is, our GOVERNMENT doesn't want us to know about where our food COMES FROM, because they are MAKING A LOT OF MONEY based on how Americans eat today.

I watched Food, Inc. last night (an amazing documentary that EVERYBODY in this country should watch, and that I should've watched years ago, knowing my objections to the meat industry). This documentary is very informative about AGRICULTURE and learning WHERE our food comes from. 

McDonald's was the FIRST fast food restaurant in 1948, and completely changed how Americans eat. Prior to the fast food nation, Americans bought food from the grocery store, cooked it, and ate at home. That, or they went out to eat and sat down at a restaurant to enjoy the meal. Once food became cheap, accessible, and instant, Americans quickly developed a new "normal."

Have You Ever Thought About WHY You Can Buy A Cheeseburger for 99 CENTS?! 
This "new normal" created SUCH a high demand, the industry had to change how food was being produced. There was no way one could raise cattle, roaming around outside and eating grass, to be slaughtered and made into a burger. To make enough burgers so that they could be sold for 99 cents, they had to think of ways to cut a lot of corners. 

For starters, LAND COSTS A LOT OF MONEY. The cows don't really need to roam. Roaming room is wasted space that another cow could be occupying. PACK THEM IN A CONFINED SPACE, THE MORE COWS, THE MORE MONEY WE CAN MAKE.

GRASS costs a lot of money. CORN is RIDICULOUSLY CHEAP. Never mind that cows are SUPPOSED to eat grass (to flush e.coli from their intestines with the roughage that only grass provides). Corn will make them FAT. 

Cows started getting sick, in such close corners, with e.coli throughout their systems, knee-deep in one another's manure. GIVE THEM ALL ANTIBIOTICS. LOTS OF THEM. (As a result, meat-eating HUMANS now are more resistant to antibiotics...have fun getting over your next illness if you don't buy ANTIBIOTIC FREE meat!)

There is also a HUGE monopoly out there, and what's really sad, is NEITHER DEMOCRATS nor REPUBLICANS seem to care. Both Clinton AND Bush had top executives that had been PREVIOUS lobbyists/lawyers for the biggest corn and meat industries in the country.

There is A LOT more to be said about this, and I plan on ranting again about some other facets of this issue. Until then, I thought I'd just share some pictures of my pantry on a typical day. It's NOT PERFECT, but I REALLY put forth a lot of effort in being responsible to MY body, and MY community. What's more, is it's not a chore or an obligation--it's a pleasure, and in doing so, I find great pleasure and peace with the simple nature of it all. 
My mom gave me a hilarious magnet for Christmas that says, "Try Organic Food...or as your grandparents called it, 'Food'." I think that sums it up pretty well!

Inspiration Remains On The Fridge! 

The website for the film, Food, Inc., has a list of TEN THINGS that you can do to MAKE A DIFFERENCE with the Food Industry!!

  1. Stop drinking sodas and other sweetened beverages.
  2. Eat at home instead of eating out.
  3. Bring food labeling into the 21st Century.
  4. Tell schools to stop selling sodas, junk food, and sports drinks.
  5. Meatless Mondays-Go without meat one day a week.
  6. Buy organic or sustainable food with little or no pesticides.
  7. Protect family farms; visit your local farmer's market.
  8. Make a point to know where your food comes from--READ LABELS.
  9. Tell Congress that food safety is important to you.
  10. Demand job protections for farm workers and food processors, ensuring fair wages and other protections.
I am far from perfect, but I can say I do think about where my food comes from. I buy 90% of my groceries from SPROUTS, a farmer's market grocery store with local produce. I also buy organic, and vegan, groceries, probably 90% of the time. I'm not actually vegan (I tried it for about a month and it was VERY challenging, and PROPS to those out there who are capable!!!), but I just buy vegan and organic groceries in an effort to keep the food I intake while at my apartment very clean and pure. 

When I'm outside of the house, I'm WAY more lax. I have quite the duality going, right now, actually. I still don't eat meat regardless, but I will eat fish and all dairy. It's like when I'm AWAY from my apartment, I'll eat anything and not think about it! But when I'm HOME, I'm conscious about what I'm eating, where it's from, and who/what sacrificed anything for my consumption. 

I consider eating, when in this mind-frame, capable of being a spiritual experience. Starting at the local grocery, hand-selecting the organic produce, taking it home and cleaning it, slicing it, cooking it, and thinking about it/praying/meditating (whatever you want to call it!), prior to putting it in my mouth... It's all very conscious and very healthy, if you ask me. I am aspiring to do this MORE often, and eat out LESS. Though my current FAVORITE out-to-eat splurge has got to be the most amazing Margherita Pizza (completely drenched with juicy flavor) from Carmine's in Lewisville. Gah! So delicious, it makes being care-free completely justifiable and WORTH IT! Just in moderation!!!!

Here are pictures that accurately describe what I keep on-hand at my place--

An overview of my pantry!!!

Organic beans (never go bad, filled with protein!), organic peanut butter, Braggs Liquid Aminos (healthy alternative to soy sauce), Sriracha (because I like it HOT!), Mirin (Japanese rice wine...excellent in cooking/stir-frying), Organic Blue Agave (an alternative, all natural, healthy sweetener with low glycemic index). 

I keep crushed tomatoes, tomato paste, and pasta sauce handy at all times (thanks to my mom raising me right!), all of which are organic. Whole grain wheat bread (though usually my bread gets moldy before I finish it, and I hate the way it tastes if you freeze it). Organic hot oatmeal (I know instant isn't "ideal," but sometimes you're in a hurry!! Natural shredded oats cereal (Barbara's is a GREAT line of cereal!). Quinoa (excellent source of fiber and protein), and falafel (tastes great fried up, if you want to try a recipe, you can click HERE)
All natural shredded oats and almond milk. YUMMMMMMY!

Of course, you have to splurge! Samoas (EXCUSE ME, "Caramel Delights"!!!) and Beer on a Friday at 5 hit the spot the other day!!

Food, Inc. Links:

And Some Personal Links (Previous Blog Entries):

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