
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Our Surprising and Exciting News!

We are expecting a little bundle of joy sometime late April, early May.

We found out on September 6th, and I'll be 15 weeks this Saturday. We kept it to ourselves for a while, then told our family and closest friends, and then let the news spread organically. Something just didn't feel right about posting it directly on Facebook. And it seemed so...surreal...I didn't want to announce something prematurely. 

So life around our home has changed drastically the past couple months. HUGE changes for us!!! My love of red wine came to an immediate halt, and rather than indulging in teratogens, I'm indulging in my random food cravings. Since I've been pescatarian (I eat seafood but no chicken, pork, beef, etc...) for a few years, craving red meat is a very strange craving for me. I eased my way into being a carnivore again very slowly! First with cheese enchiladas and meat sauce...and now I'm eating meatloaf and chili. And I CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF IT! People have asked if I'll go back to my vegetarian diet after the baby is born. How could I know?! I never thought I'd crave meat again, and didn't see this one coming. But I'm listening to my body, and I listened to my body when I stopped eating meat years ago. I'll continue to listen to my body and do what's best in that moment.

I've started to show, and I've gained 11 pounds. I've never been so excited to hop up on a scale and HOPE the number is higher each day. Never has it been so fun to gain weight. 

I'm extremely grateful for my husband, partner, best friend, and baby-daddy. Hehe. Papa Georgio has now earned his nickname, though he's been called that for years. The moment I told him the news, in my work parking lot (same place he proposed to me exactly a year ago), he was by my side. He's been sweet. He's been supportive. He's gone out and grabbed me dinner even after I brought some home (after changing my mind on what sounded good). He found a bar of pure white chocolate (I specified, "not that cookies and cream crap") and has already been kissing my tummy and talking to our little sprout. 

We find out the gender the weekend of Thanksgiving. I've had two dreams that the baby was a girl, and one of the dreams I was holding her and staring in her face. This makes me wonder if I saw our baby! If it's a boy, then I guess it was just a dream...But I don't really have a preference. I think it'd be easier (not like being a parent is ever "easy," though) for me to raise a boy, only because I think same-gender parents have to be tougher disciplinarians and have higher expectations. I'll be happy and focus on the positives either way.

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