
Saturday, December 29, 2012

Inhale, Hold, Exhale, Hold.

One of my best friends from college is of Hochunk Native American descent.

Her mom is one of the most calm, zen, peaceful people I've EVER had the privilege of knowing. While I'm convinced it has to do with her native heritage, I know she also chooses a life of peace everyday. She has status updates on Facebook that are SO REFRESHING compared to all the other random tidbits in my mini-feed. One she posted last week really spoke to me...enough to where I thought I'd blog about it, at least.

"Inhale, and God approaches you.

Hold the inhalation, and God remains with you. 

Exhale, and you approach God. 

Hold the exhalation, and surrender to God." 


Source: Native Breath
Breathing is the most basic, yet most powerful action we do every single day. Most breaths are not acknowledged. Imagine if we slowed our breathing, and thought spiritual affirmations about our breath, three times a day...just as often as we consume nutrition! How spiritually satisfying would that be??

While it's most obvious at my job in the recovery room after surgery, most people are aware that pain can be lessened with deep breathing. Anxiety can be resolved with deep breathing. Fears can melt away with deep breathing. And we can feel instantly connected to the Source of that breath.

I have been hesitant to blog about my pregnancy (though I've written two posts, I've published neither...I've stuck with journaling, as I'm not ready to make my pregnant self vulnerable to other people's opinions JUST yet)...so just a quick comment...this is the first time in my life where my breath sustains not only me, but my child. And if I focus on my breath coming directly from God, and visualize that holding my breath brings God closer to both of us, I not only feel connected to God...I feel connected to our baby.

If one believes in the Holy Trinity being Father, Son, Holy Spirit, and believes the Father provides the breath, and the Son has set the example to be connected to the Father through the Holy Spirit...is the Trinity not ever present while I deep breathe and feel the powerful connection to my baby?

Focused breathing is essential whether one is pregnant or not, but I have been finding it especially pleasing to deep breathe and meditate in my current state. And I have felt beyond blissful by doing so.


PS: Click HERE to see "Imagine," a video Whitney and I made for her mom.

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