
Sunday, March 23, 2014

2 Years

As our 2 year anniversary approaches tomorrow, I've been thinking about all I have to be grateful for with Georgie. Since switching roles as primary income provider, my basic needs are now met by him. Food, shelter...Also, perhaps even more importantly, love, a sense of belonging, and laughter. But also, tears. And growing pains.

For obvious reasons, I rarely air dirty laundry online (with WIFE STRIKE being my exception), but I think all couples can relate to disagreements, and hurt feelings. George and I argue regularly. Luckily, we are usually quick to resolve our disputes, and can find the humor in the fights. But when I'm in a neutral space, I can realize that one (if not both) of us are growing when we argue.

When I was alone, be it in Oklahoma while still in a relationship with G, or during one of our breaks, I had time by myself. This alone time allowed me to find out more about who I was (am). It provided spiritual growth through solitude. I'm so grateful for those times. Now, living with G and our daughter, I rarely have time to myself (and I ought to work at scheduling alone time, because I really miss it). But being in a marriage has taught me a lot about myself. When we argue, we are each pointing out the dysfunction in the other. Living with somebody provides a sort of exhibit for emotions and behaviors.

When I say I'm grateful for my partner, I acknowledge that I'm grateful for all of him. The good, bad, and ugly. As long as I continue to improve as a person (which I presently define as the alignment of my soul with my personality), I know this relationship is serving me for my Highest Good. I believe that is the point of a partnership...spiritual upliftment and growth. I fear stagnation and complacency more than I fear a passionate disagreement.

I love you, Georgie. I'm grateful for all the times we've shared, and all we have taught each other. I look forward to a life time of learning and growing with you.

I'm proud of our 2 year wedding anniversary, and 9 years of loving eachother. I don't take our love for granted. You're my best friend, and I'm lucky to get to do life with you. You're fun, and make me laugh. You're a wonderful husband, and a loving father. Thanks for being who you are.


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